Thinking of a new design and build job? Here are 3 reasons why you need to hire a professional.
One Stop Shop
If you’ve never constructed a new home or a landscaping job, or have relationships with contractors or architects, you’ll find yourself putting in lots of effort researching companies and contractor’s portfolios, pricing, estimated project timelines, and so on. By hiring a professional team, you’ll be able to design and build your new project, all under one roof. These pro’s, made up of designers, architects, builders, hardscapers, landscapers, contractors, typically work closely together – sometimes under one roof. They’ll learn about your style and budget preferences, and design and build your project in a one stop shop.
“If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional wait until you hire an amateur.”
Time and Money Savings
Two things: Design and Build. The design process is completely separate from the building process. You have the option of just going with a design transaction with one contractor and go with another to build, or you can do two in one, which typically gives you discounts. Save time and money by going with one.
Another way you’ll save money – go with the PRO’s! Do not use an amateur. You’ll end up with a professional by the end of it, spending way over your budget.
Clear Communication & Professional Advise
Along with saving time and money, you’ll get professional guidance, advise and transparency. You’ll get exactly what you want, depending on your resources and budget, and have a clear communication path between yourself and the team. Doing this yourself, or with amateurs will be a long, expensive and messy project. Close communication with design-build contractors means you’ll stay in the loop about any changes, timeline, extensions, and so on and in addition, you’ll have a trusted relationship.
If you’re thinking of starting a new project or renovating your current home – call the pro’s at Allstone. You’ll be partnered with an established team.